Monday, July 16, 2012

Breaking Bad: Live Free or Die

This won’t be a full recap because I was busy eating Breaking Bad themed food (Los Pollos Hermanos fried chicken, Heisenburgers, ABBQ potato chips, Jesse Pink Lemonade etc) and drinking lots of wine to help ease my nerves – this show is intense – so here are just some of my thoughts about last night’s episode of Breaking Bad, “Live Free or Die.”

  • Did Walt’s fake ID have his real birthday on it? Cause that’s weird.
  •  Holy shit WHY does Walt need a machine gun?
  • I really liked Walt's new glasses.
  • On Walt’s 52nd birthday he’s alone, eating breakfast (seriously, no Walt Jr?!) and not wearing his wedding ring which he has never take off, not even when Skylar was screwing Ted. If Skyler were to die, I don’t think he’d take it off. I’m guessing she’s plotting her escape. This is very Katie Holmes-esque. (I guess if he's pretending to be a single guy, Mr. Lambert, he can't wear his ring?)
  • Speaking of Ted, how scary was that scene when Skylar walked in and all we could see was her reaction. Why didn’t Saul ever tell her that he hadn’t died?
  •  Mike really does love Jesse. In the dessert, when Jesse jumped in front of the gun and Mike went “oh, Jesse” it was very apparent. I only worry that Mike will be the one that puts together that Walt poisoned Brock and have to break it to Jesse. While I think Mike would enjoy that, I think he’d know it would break Jesse’s already wounded heart.
  • How did Walt/Jesse end up meeting up with Mike in the desert? I felt like the episode skipped a lot to get to that point.
  •  Magnets ARE awesome and kudos to Jesse for being the smartest guy in the room.
  • That entire scene was so cool – stuff flying, the truck tipping over. Why is Breaking Bad so cool?
Walt's inspiration.
  • Every so often I’m reminded that Jesse really is just a simple sweet guy. He wasn’t angry that Walt didn’t stop upping the magnet’s power, or that because Walt didn’t listen to him they almost got caught, he was just happy that it worked and that they were on their way out of there.
  •  How on earth are they not going to trace the truck and the magnet back to Mr. Heckles’s junk yard?
  • Poor Walt, he comes up with a brilliant plan and ends up uncovering more evidence for the cops. How can the Cayman Islands accounts tie back to Walt? Not sure right now, but I’m thinking Madrigal industries will show up soon.
  •  “I forgive you.”AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

What did you think??